June 28, 2024 4 min read

The event of the year is around the corner, and you can’t wait to meet your people and feel like royalty in your beautiful dress, flawless make-up and stunning hairstyle.

Preparing rigorously can be fun most of the time, but it’s easy to get anxious about the possible worst-case scenarios because, after all, that’s what women do.

No matter if you are going to attend your best friend’s wedding or a gala, or you’re excited about a corporate event that could bring your business to a successful path, one thing is for sure: you must look incredible.

In this article, you can find 6 great tips to get a flawless look and make your presence be felt:


1: Visualise the look you’re going for 

It’s almost impossible to be spontaneous for your look when you’re going to attend a special event. So, to visualise the look you’re going for, scroll through Pinterest and Instagram to get inspiration for your outfit, makeup and hairstyle.

Take into consideration the theme and  dress code of the event, but don’t be afraid to add your personal touch.

For instance, even if you have to dress all-black, you can still show your personality with some sparkly accessories, outstanding make-up and passionate red lipstick. Online, you can find great ideas for beautiful dresses you can either purchase directly or choose to tailor, make-up looks and even tutorials on how to recreate them if you are handy enough.

Also, when searching for hairstyle ideas, consider the length of your hair so you don’t get disappointed when your hairdresser tells you that it’s not possible to recreate the picture.


2: Consider the weather 

Unfortunately, the weather is always a main factor that gets in the middle of your plans, so to not let the unbearable conditions ruin your day, check the temperatures of the day of your event so that you can wear an appropriate outfit for hot weather and a long-lasting make-up that doesn’t melt on your face.

Also, if the event is taking place in the evening, consider bringing with you a light and elegant shawl to face the breeze. In the worst-case scenario in which the rain tries to ruin your mood, don’t forget a small umbrella that fits in your purse. 


3: Focus on your skincare routine the night before 

Preparing your skin the night before is a crucial step to enhance the durability of your make-up and the flawless look of your body. If you normally don’t have a well-thought-out night routine, it’s time to establish a rigorous ritual to treat your skin best.

Know your skin type to make sure you use the right products; for example, you can have normal, sensitive, dry, oily or combination skin, and to get the flawless results you are looking for, you should integrate them into your beauty bag appropriate products.  

First of all, you must cleanse your face one or two times, use a toner, and proceed with the exfoliation. For a vitamin boost, continue with a mask, and then massage your face with an oil or serum. Don’t neglect the eyes either, and opt for some patches that nurture your skin deeply. Last but not least, SPF shouldn’t be missed in your routine to protect from damaging sun rays. 


4: Opt for professional beauty services

Even if you might have some great skills for make-up and hair, to look your best and have a lasting look, opt for professional beauty services. First of all, seeking professional help is a great way to manage your time efficiently and give yourself a couple of hours of relaxation.

Also, you can get great tips to find out more about your face and hair needs and receive cures you can reproduce at home. Most importantly, beauty centres prioritise safety and hygiene.

The tools used and products are usually sanitised, however, if you identify any signs of a potential allergy or infection, be aware that you  get compensation for your incident. Still, beauticians try their best to boost your self-esteem and make you feel truly beautiful. 


5: Have outfit options 

You must have already prepared your well-thought-out outfit for the event, but suppose you change your mind at the last minute. In this case, it would be best to prepare some other options as well. Purchase 2 or three pieces you love as much as the main option, and see which one is the perfect fit for your awaited night.

Also, you can choose to play with different  styles; for instance, if your main dress is formal, you can go for an elegant suit as well or opt for a cocktail outfit that matches the sunny weather. For a laid-back tone, you can always wear a smart casual fit you can accessorise with outstanding earrings and a necklace.


6: … and a back-up plan 

Having a plan B is a must. Suppose your hairdresser or make-up artist has an emergency last minute, and you don’t have time to look for other beauticians. In this case, according to the look you are going for, search online for the products you need and make sure you have them ready in your beauty bag, just in case.

Even if it might take some time, you can begin practising in advance and follow professional advice to DIY your look. Also, don’t forget to bring with you your lipstick and powder so you can refresh your make-up during the night, as it might not be as durable as a pro artist would make it.


The bottom line 

Now that you have it all planned, you can relax and enjoy your Hollywood-like moment in the spotlight.

No matter if you are getting ready to present your business at an international conference or an important gala, when you look great and feel confident, it’s impossible not to enjoy your night, have your best time and let yourself be admired.

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